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The eyes of the Equine.

These are my pets!
This little guy is Chewy.Chewy is a 4 yr old gelding.He loves to chew on tails,manes,anything,hince the name.He is very fiesty,and best buddy in the whole world is Chief.Chewy and Cheif were almost famous!!!They were in the world champion driving class!Unfortunatly they were unable to compete because Chewy get very sick right before they were to show. :( Cheif did manage to place 4th all on his own though. Oh well, theres always next time!


This is the almost famous Chief! He is a cute little gelding,6yrs old.As with his name he is ruler of the herd,no one messes with him(except the ladies)and he messes with all of them!He has a love-hate relationship with all of the horses,but his best bud is Chewy.They are brothers so that might help too.
Cheif is kinda pushy,he doesnt take bull from anyone,even Chewy!Hes a sweet guy though.


Duggan and Julie,our breeding pair are our favorite dogs!Duggan,born on May 28th of 1999, is a fun loving,stubborn,takes-any-crap-you-give-him Labrador.He is the sweetest "stud" dog I've ever owned!
Julie on the other hand is ruff and well,kind of studish,in a way.She will not let you see her puppies unless you are feeding her.My hubby tryed to nip her biting habits in the bud,but she bites us anyway.So after 2 more years we are going to spay her.This years littler will be her second.Hopefully she will be a great mom,like she was with the first(except for the biting)!Born on August 7th of 2000,Julie was tiny,the runt of the litter,perhaps this is where she gets her ruffness from?Anyway,hopefully they will have happy,healthy pups!

Awwwww!When we were young.
(from left to right)Julie and Duggan as puppies!

Here is Duggan!He is so cute in this pic!

Snow!!!! Julie does love her snow!


Well as with any farm,we have exotic pets.Mine just happen to be tigers. These two or Stripes and Paws.Both have a 20 acres roaming space and have live animals for food. So they live there,away from the horses,yet content. Both have been raised from babies,and never bite the hands that feed them(or else).Both are fun,loving and adore babies.Hopfully they will be a breeding pair. Well its happend! We now have 3 little cubs on the farm! Please welcome........... Jojo,Willie,and our little girl, Missy. Poor little Missy got off to a bad start. First she came out booty first, then we couldn't get her to breathe, but after rubbing her for about 1 minute,she was ok. Scared us to death tho! Since we dont have enough room for all of the babies, I will offer Jojo as a reward for a name, selling of a horse, if someone wants to buy him etc... By the way, if someone is so inclined to by my sweety, he is $5,000. And, he better be taken care of!!!! :)


This is Missy
at about 1 month

From left to right:
Jojo Willie and Missy